Tisvildevejen in North Zealand - From Esrum Abbey to Tisvildeleje Year-Round

Photo: Daniel Villadsen

Experience the echoes of history, the charm of villages, and the natural beauty along Tisvildevejen.

Tisvildevejen fra Hillerød til Melby Overdrev
© VisitNordsjællandPhoto: Daniel Villadsen
Tisvildevejen fra Hillerød til Melby Overdrev
© VisitNordsjællandPhoto: Daniel Villadsen

The 77 km long hiking route is well-marked and stretches through the National Park Kings of North Zealand, from Esrum Abbey to Tisvildeleje. You’ll encounter well-known and hidden stories of nature and cultural history along the way.

At selected sites, you will find information boards and QR codes that, using your mobile phone, provide access to informative films about the location.

Historically, churches were important stops for pilgrims and travellers seeking shelter and food on their way to the holy springs. Today, the villages and churches along Tisvildevejen serve as “beacons” for modern hikers. Walking provides a sanctuary where peace can settle in, and thoughts can fall into place.

Tisvildevejen fra Hillerød til Melby Overdrev

Take a trip with Tisvildevejen.

Photo: Daniel Villadsen

Hiking Year-Round

Follow in the footsteps of monks through the landscape with hiking maps and clearly marked trails. The route follows the medieval pilgrimage path used by Catholic monks from Esrum Abbey to Saint Helene Spring in Tisvilde.

The route passes through the villages of Esrum, Nødebo, Mårum, Kagerup, Alsønderup, Annisse, Ramløse, Tibirke, Holløse, and Tisvilde. The route and facilities are available year-round.

The pilgrimage route is divided into stages:

  • Esrum to Mårum
  • Mårum to Annisse
  • Annisse to Ramløse
  • Ramløse to Tisvilde

You can hike alone or with others and meet local hosts who offer accommodation and meals. This provides a unique insight into village life.

Plan Your Tour

You can plan your tour around the many events in community halls or various associations. Further information can be found on Tisvildevejen.dk

Guided Tours and Themed Hikes

Guided tours are regularly arranged on Tisvildevejen with various themes, from cultural and natural history to mindfulness. The tours vary in length, from a few hours to several days with accommodation and meals.

Tailored Tours

Let Tisvildevejen handle the details of accommodation, meals, and luggage. They organize multi-day and day trips, school camps, team-building, corporate trips, and much more. Contact them to tailor a tour to your needs.

Summer Pilgrimage Hike

The annual summer pilgrimage hike on Tisvildevejen is a unique experience in North Zealand. You will experience beautiful and varied landscapes and are invited to local events exclusively for the hike. Guides will share stories about the cultural landscape, the monks of Esrum Abbey, the influence of royal power, the sand drift, and the area's holy springs. Join Tisvildevejen and experience passionate storytelling and magnificent nature.

Map of the Tisvildevejen Route

The entire Tisvildevejen is mapped and marked with posts and pictograms, making it easy to find your way. Tisvildevejen has published 4 detailed hiking maps and an accompanying book, where you can see pictures and read about 74 selected attractions along the route.