Public transport - how to get around in North Zealand

Photo: Tine Uffelmann

How do I travel by train, bus and bike in North Zealand? The infrastructure works well in North Zealand. You can go with the local trains, S-train, metro and regional buses as well as with your bike on one of the many signposted bicycle routes. 


Photo: Tine Uffelmann
Lokaltog Nordsjælland
Photo: Tine Uffelmann

Train and bus connections

In North Zealand, you can quickly get around by bus and train. Starting in Hillerød, Lokalbanen travels to Elsinore, Gilleleje, Tisvildeleje, Frederiksværk and Hundested. There are also a lot of coaches in the entire region. If you are arriving from Copenhagen and wish to go to North Sealand, you can use the Øresund train to Elsinore and the S-train to Hillerød. See more on the Journey Planner.

It is free to bring your bike on the S-train and local trains, but you must buy an extra bicycle ticket for the Øresund Train and the buses. Ticket Controllers and bus drivers decide if there is room on the train/bus. Local restrictions on hours where bicycles are unwelcome in trains and buses can occur; check before boarding your transport. These hours are usually during rush hours. 

How to buy ticktes

You can choose from four different ticket types, depending on your need for travel. Here you get an overview of the options available. The DOT app is an easy and fast way to buy your tickets. Here you can buy both single tickets and City Pass tickets. In the ticket machines at the S-train stations, you can also buy tickets and in the ticket machine, which is inside the local trains and at all 7-Eleven points of sale.

Flight connections

If you want to fly to North Zealand, it´s via Copenhagen Airport, from which there are domestic and international routes. You can read about arrivals and departures, parking and transportation options and other amenities that make Copenhagen Airport your gateway to North Zealand on


Ferry routes

You can get to North Zealand via ferries from Helsingborg in Sweden to Elsinore. But there are also local ferries in North Sealand. The Rørvig Ferry sails from Rørvig to Hundested and connects North Zealand and the Danish Riviera with Odsherred. You can also use the little summer ferry Columbus, from Kulhuse (Hornsherred) to Sølager (Hundested). See the list of ferries. All ferries can carry bikes, but some extra charges may apply.


You can get to Helsingør in North Sealand by ferry from Helsingborg in Sweden. But there are also local ferries in North Sealand. The little ferry that sails from Rørvig to Hundested and connects North Sealand and the Danish Rivera with Odsherred as well as the small summer ferry Columbus that sails from Kulhuse (Hornsherred) to Sølager (Hundested) All the ferries include bikes and cars.
All ferry routes. 

In North Sealand, you can easily get around with buses and trains. There are also a lot of coaches in the entire region. If you are arriving from Copenhagen and wish to go to North Sealand, you can use both the Øresund train to Elsinore and the S-train to Hillerød. See more on the Journey Planner.

It is free of charge to bring your bike on the s-train and local trains, but you have to buy an extra bicycle ticket for the Øresund Train and the buses. Ticket Controllers and bus drivers decide if there is room on the train/bus. Local restrictions on hours where bicycles are unwelcome in trains and buses can occur, check before boarding your transport. These hours are usually during the rush hours. Read more about bikes on public transportation here 

At the travel plan (Rejseplanen) you can plan your journey by train and bus. You can also take your bicycle for free with the S-train and on the local train, but you have to buy a bicycle ticket for the Øresund train and on the buses. Controllers and the bus driver decide if there is space on the train/bus for bicycles. Read more about bicycles in public transport.

In North Sealand, you can easily get around with buses and trains. Starting in Hillerød Lokalbanen travels to Elsinore, Gilleleje, Tisvildeleje, Frederiksværk and Hundested. There are also a lot of coaches in the entire region. If you are arriving from Copenhagen and wish to go to North Sealand, you can use both the Øresund train to Elsinore and the S-train to Hillerød. See more on the Journey Planner.

It is free to bring your bike on the s-train and local trains, but you have to buy an extra bicycle ticket for the Øresund Train and the buses. Ticket Controllers and bus drivers decide if there is room on the train/bus. Local restrictions on hours where bicycles are unwelcome in trains and buses can occur, check before boarding your transport. These hours are usually during the rush hours. Read more about bikes on public transportation

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