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The Royal trails: Discover Hillerød on an 12 km Bike ride

Experience a royal adventure on this 12-kilometre bike ride from Hillerød. Explore the beautiful Parforce landscape and be fascinated by the majestic compass stone in Store Dyrehave. This is the bike tour that takes you on a royal adventure.

Discover the royal trail on this 11-kilometre bike ride from Hillerød. The tour takes you through the beautiful Parforce landscape and past the impressive compass stone in Store Dyrehave.

Start at Hillerød Station and follow Jagtvej and Funkevej until you reach Nyvang. Be cautious of traffic when crossing Københavnsvej and follow the signs towards Kongestjernen, where the eight roads of the Parforce hunting landscape meet.

Cycle along the long gravel road that leads you to Overdrevsvejen. Continue straight ahead, and you will notice that the bike route number changes from 110 to 109 until you reach Tikantskrydset. Fear not - it's not as dangerous as it sounds. The tour continues downhill on Batzkes Bakke.

After the descent, you'll enjoy the sights of Hillerød, including the castle lake, Frederiksborg Castle, and the fantastic Baroque Garden. A visit to Frederiksborg Castle is an absolute must. Follow bike route 100, also known as Søstien, along the lake's shore to Hillerød Torv and continue back to Hillerød Station.

Practical information

  • Relatively flat tour with asphalt and hard gravel in the forest.
  • People of all ages can cycle the tour.
  • Restrooms at Hillerød Station, Café Havehuset in Barokhaven, and Hillerød Torv.

Here you can rent a bike

Experiences along the way

Teglgårdssøen - an opportunity for a refreshing dip

Along the way, you can experience various attractions, including Teglgårdssøen, where you can take a refreshing dip. Teglgårdssøen is part of a lake and canal system built in the 1570s to bring water to Hillerød from Allerød Lake. The lake has been cleaned and now serves as a nearby bathing lake.

Store Dyrehave - part of the North Zealand Parforce landscape

Store Dyrehave, part of the North Zealand Parforce landscape and the National Park Royal North Zealand, offers an exciting history of Christian IV and his giant deer population. He enclosed the forest with a dike to keep a considerable deer population inside the forest and ensure a good place for hunting.

Kongestjernen - the king at the centre

Also, visit Kongestjernen, where you'll find a unique stone with a compass rose and the king's monogram. There are tables and benches to relax and read about the parforce hunts on the information boards. Kongestjernen marks the centre of the road system, with eight roads meeting here. During the parforce hunts, the king sat here and waited for when the deer was "stopped" and needed to be dealt the final blow with the hirschfænger.

Fangfolden - a horse trap

Fangfolden is also worth a visit - a horse trap where horses were captured in ancient times. In the 18th century, the horses grazed freely in Store Dyrehave. When they needed to be captured, they were led along the stone fence and into the Fangfolden. It's easiest to reach the Fangfolden by walking the bike along Overdrevsvejen on the bike path and entering the Fangfolden from there. Right by the parking lot is a covered pavilion with signs describing the area's natural and cultural gems.

Frederiksborg Castle

Also, visit Frederiksborg Castle, built by Frederik II and later expanded by Christian IV after a fire in 1859. Frederik II built the part of the castle located on the inner islet in Slotssøen, and Christian IV expanded Frederiksborg Castle with three wings on the outer islet. The castle, except for the Slotskirken, burned down in 1859. The reconstructed castle now houses the National History Museum.

The Baroque Garden - Man's Power over Nature

The Baroque garden is the most famous part of Frederiksborg Slotshave, and many associate it with the castle. It was established by Frederik IV in the 1720s, with Johan Cornelius Krieger as the architect, and is considered a magnificent work of garden art. The garden is laid out in four terraces, descending towards Slotssøen. The Baroque garden is a beautiful part of the castle's surroundings and demonstrates man's control over nature through tight lines and straight hedges.

Hillerød - the castle town in North Zealand

Hillerød is a charming castle town in North Zealand and has been a preferred vacation spot for the royal family for over 400 years. The kings frequently hunted in Gribskov, and parties were held at the town's castle. The pedestrian street stretches from Torvet with shops, a shopping centre, and cosy restaurants.

Worth knowing

Parforce hunting landscape in North Zealand

It consists of Gribskov, Store Dyrehave, and north of Copenhagen, Jægersborg Dyrehave and Hegn. The three forests make up a unique cultural landscape that tells the story of King Christian V's enormous power and his need to demonstrate it by controlling nature.

Parforce Hunting

Parforce hunting is a hunting method where the prey is exhausted before being killed. This is done by letting dogs chase the animal while the riders follow. When the animal collapses from exhaustion, the chosen hunter, usually the king, dismounts and kills the prey with a hirschfænger.

Want more?

Then we can recommend the 15-kilometre Parforce bike route in Gribskov, signposted as bike route 105. The route starts from Frederiksborg Castle and allows you to experience even more of the beautiful landscape.

Plan your next bike ride on the Royal Trail and be fascinated by the history and natural beauty of North Zealand.