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Helsinge – Where Countryside and Town Meet

Photo: Sarah Rønholt

Helsinge is the last sizable market town before you reach the coastal resorts of Tisvildeleje, Vejby Strand, and Rågeleje. Located in the heart of Gribskov, this charming railway town features a church and a village pond. Here, you can stock up on everything you need for your holiday in the town’s shops and specialty stores.

Photo: Daniel Villadsen
Haldbjerg Shelters
Photo: Daniel Villadsen

Here in the heart of Gribskov lies the charming railway town of Helsinge, complete with a church and a village pond. Here, you can stock up on everything you need for your holiday in the town’s shops, supermarkets, and specialty stores. You can also take a break and enjoy a delicious treat.

Helsinge and the surrounding area tell the story of the old farming community. Visit the working forge at Laugø Smedje, or explore the historic windmills of Ramløse and Pibe Møller. Step back into the Middle Ages with a trip to Asserbo Castle Ruins—once the fortress of Bishop Absalon, which succumbed to the harsh drifting sands.

Originally, the town consisted of twelve farms located around the church and village pond. In the late 18th century, this shared community was dissolved, and each farm—except for two—was moved to its plot of land. With this change, the village expanded and grew into a market town.

Helsinge is a historic and cozy railway town. For many years, it was the last stop on the train line, with passengers continuing their journey towards the coast by horse-drawn carriage. However, in the summer of 1924, the final stretch of railway between Helsinge and Tisvildeleje was inaugurated. Since 1950, the population has doubled.


Helsinge and the surrounding area tell the story of the region’s farming heritage. Visit the working forge at Laugø Smedje or explore the historic windmills of Ramløse and Pibe Møller. Travel back to the Middle Ages with a trip to Asserbo Castle Ruins—once Bishop Absalon's fortress, which succumbed to drifting sands.

Hop on a bike and discover the nature surrounding Helsinge and Tisvilde Hegn, or take a walk along Tisvildevejen. If you enjoy an active holiday, cycling route no. 32 will lead you either to Tisvildeleje or south toward Hillerød.

Practical information

Here you will find useful information for planning your visit to Helsinge.

Check tourist information opening hours, plan your trip, view city maps, learn about public transport options, read VisitNorthZealand´s holiday magazine, and find out where to rent a bike.