Galleries, artisans & art galleries in Hillerød
Photo: Tine Uffelmann
Take a trip into the world of art in Hillerød. Experience exhibitions and visual art in the beautiful listed art house Annaborg, which is located in the middle of the city by Frederiksborg Castle. Look inside at one of the small artisans, to a talk about art and the creation of art.
Annaborg - Hillerød Art Centre
Annaborg is the home of Hillerød Art Association. In the beautiful neoclassical building, located at Frederiksborg Castle's entrance and parking lot, Hillerod Art Association shows year-round exhibiti...
Gallery ArtTour | Gallery and cultural café in Hillerød
Gallery ArtTour is located in the centre of Hillerød. Discover 25 artists in the gallery who show a wide selection of visual art, glass, jewellery, sculptures and unique clothing. Café, events, worksh...