Put and take
Put and take fishing is a fun way to spend a day with your family or friends. In the vast majority of put and take lakes, fish are restocked several times a week.
Some of the best fishing spots can be found in harbours and along jetties. The jetties are usually made of large stones where prey and fish can hide inside.
Some of the best fishing spots can be found in harbours and along jetties. The jetties are usually made of large stones where prey and fish can hide inside. This attracts many different species of fish and often you can also get out into deeper water. In order for ships to be able to sail in, the harbours must be deep. This means that there is deep water very close to land so many species also come here.
Fishing gear for coastal fishing
You can fish for everything from mackerel, herring, flatfish and sea trout to small prawns and crabs in these areas. But what’s the best way to catch them?
Lures and wobblers are very good for fishing for mackerel, cod or sea trout. You can quickly cover a lot of water and they are effective. If you want to catch cod, jigs or rubber squid are excellent. For cod, the colours red, blue and orange work well.
Flatfish fishing
Coastal fishing is great when you’re looking for flatfish. There are often many flatfish in the area – the most important thing is whether you can locate them. Here you use flatfish rigs and rigs with float bait in vivid colours, which often work best. You can stay at the bottom with a casting weight between 20-50 g. For bait, use ragworm or lugworm. If you just cast and wait, you might be lucky and catch a fish, but if you want to optimise your chances, it’s best to pull your leader very slowly across the bottom. This allows you to cover a lot of water and significantly increase your chances of success.
Fishing for crab
If you are new to fishing, there’s nothing more fun than catching crabs on the jetty. It’s easy to do but also challenging, so much so that even adults can get carried away by the atmosphere. All you need is a pair of crab tongs that you can buy in most tackle shops. There is a clothes peg at the end of the line and a small, simple reel.
As bait you can use fish pieces, worms, prawns or just a piece of strong-smelling meat from the supermarket. When you lower it to the bottom, the crabs come out from the rocks. Once they latch on it’s important to keep your focus when reeling them in. Try it!
Fiskegrej til molefiskeri
Fiskeri efter fladfisk
Vil man gerne fiske efter fladfisk er havne og moler helt optimalt. Der er ofte mange fladfisk i nærområdet – Det vigtigste er, om man kan finde dem. Her bruger man fladfiskeforfang og forfang med flydende perler i kraftige farver, som oftest virker bedst. Med et lod på mellem 20-50 g kan man nemt holde bund. Som agn bruger man børsteorm eller sandorm. Kaster man bare ud og venter, kan man være heldig at ramme ind i en fisk, men vil man gerne optimere sine chancer, så er det bedre at trække ens fladfiskeforfang meget langsomt henover bunden. Dermed afsøger man en masse vand og forøger chancen for succes markant.
Hvilke fisk er fladfisk og hvornår kan man bedst fange dem?
Fiskeri efter krabber
Er man en ny aspirerende lystfisker, så er der intet sjovere end at fange krabber på molen. Det er nemt at få succes, men også udfordrende på samme tid – Så meget, at selv voksne kan blive grebet af stemningen. Det eneste man har brug for er en krabbetang, som man kan købe i de fleste grejforretninger. Der sidder en tøjklemme for enden af linen og et lille simpelt hjul. Som madding bruger man fiskestykker, orm, rejer eller bare et stykke lugtende kød fra supermarkedet. Når det fires ned på bunden, kommer krabberne frem fra stenene. Når de klemmer sig fast, er det med at holde tungen lige i munden når den skal bugseres ind. Prøv det!