Heatherhills strande lokker med deres svalende vand - perfekt til en coolcation

Coolcation in Denmark: Escape the Heat of Southern Europe

Photo: Ann Jørgensen

Have you heard of coolcation? Coolcation is about traveling to places known for their cooler climate. The word is a combination of 'cool' and 'vacation' – essentially, a cool vacation.

Køl ned i sommervarmen med en dejlig is - det er coolcation

Photo:Sarah Rønholt

While the word may be new, the idea is not. For years, Danish and foreign tourists have chosen North Zealand as a holiday destination to avoid the high temperatures in Southern Europe. If you're considering taking a coolcation, you should definitely visit North Zealand, where the climate is pleasant but typically a bit cooler than down south.

The Water in Denmark Often Has a Pleasant, Refreshing Temperature

Tisvildeleje Strand en skøn sommerdag.

The Best Beaches in North Zealand

Photo: Nikolaj Danielsen

Instead of traveling to the increasingly hotter Southern Europe, many have started choosing destinations in, for example, the Nordic countries, where the weather is more temperate.

Cool and Warm Days Can Be Spent in the Towns

Dänisches, idyllisches Bauernhaus in Gilleleje am Ostsee

Guide to the Towns of North Zealand

Photo: Nikolaj Danielsen
De danske sommerdage kan både være svedende varme og behageligt svalende

Photo:Sarah Rønholt